Compoman online competition manager

A management 'suite' for automatically handling online competitions using PHP and a TCL-driven eggdrop.

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Compoman is the first fully automated online competition manager! It is designed to deliver the most basic elements of an online competition with all the benefits of today's technologies. Using PHP, Compoman provides a highly configurable web administration and user interface to the competition.

All competition information (during and after competitions) is stored into a database. The database information is used to provide archives of past competitions (including member statistics and personal info) and is accessed by an Tcl-driven IRC bot interface, which is the basis for the live competition session.

This is where Compoman is truly unique; never before has any online music competition had the ability to be totally automated through the use of Tcl. If you're familiar with the tracking, demo, or other scene, you have probably heard of a 'compo'. But until now 'compo' meant a poorly organized and often times frantic event. With Compoman on your side, you'll be able to enjoy the competitions you host, and even COMPETE right along with all your friends! Competitors then vote on each other's work via web or Tcl interface, and each competitor's stats are updated in the database automatically. User statistics are made accessible online 24 hours a day.

Although geared mainly towards the 'tracking' music scene, Compoman can easily be adapted to host online competitions of any type! It's easy!

The Open Framework for Modular Development - The data structuring software we'll be using to design the Compoman databases.

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